Monday, 11 December 2006

Where and what is Mt. Pinatubo?

Mt. Pinatubo is a part of a chain of composite volcanoes along the Luzon arc on the west coast of the Pilipino island of Luzon. It is one of the many volcanoes that make up the Ring of Fire (a belt of volcanoes that encircle the Pacific Ocean). It is 4,875ft or 1,486m. The volcano is situated only 55miles (90km) northwest of Manila, the Capital of Luzon.
"The arc of volcanoes is caused by the subduction of the Manila trench to the west." (Mt. Pinatubo Eruption 2001).

Until relatively recently it was believed to be a dormant volcano and had not erupted for 600 years. There had been no reason to question this statement until villagers noticed the first signs of volcanic activity, steam started exploding from the side of the mountain.

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